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Plan Name Counterparty ISIN Start Date Maturity Date Price Date Price Brochure
Triple Index Income Builder (USD) - September 2019
UBS AG XS2049719862 30/09/2019 30/09/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Semi-Annual Income Builder (GBP) - September 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS2044296932 27/09/2019 29/09/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
3 Stock Defensive Kick Out - September 2019
Goldman Sachs XS2004276619 20/09/2019 21/09/2026 03/12/2024 83.44 On Request
Dual Index Defensive Income Kick Out Plan - September 2019
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentari XS2033362927 20/09/2019 20/09/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT On Request
RBC EUR SAN Note - 18 September 2019
RBC XS2051840317 18/09/2019 19/09/2022 03/12/2024 MATURED On Request
RBC EUR TEF Note - 18 September 2019
RBC XS2051840234 18/09/2019 19/09/2022 03/12/2024 MATURED On Request
Super Defensive Kick Out - September 2019
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentari XS2038969304 13/09/2019 15/09/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT On Request
Semi-Annual Income Builder (USD) - August 2019
Morgan Stanley (MS B.V.) XS2023580397 30/08/2019 02/09/2025 03/12/2024 86.04
10 10 Plan - August 2019 - Option 1
Goldman Sachs XS1987543821 23/08/2019 23/08/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - August 2019 - Option 2
Goldman Sachs XS1987544043 23/08/2019 23/08/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - August 2019 - Option 3
Goldman Sachs XS1987544126 23/08/2019 23/08/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Triple Index Income Builder (GBP) - August 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS2026814686 23/08/2019 26/08/2025 03/12/2024 81.64
UBS Global Index Income Builder 65 65 (USD) - Aug 2019
UBS AG XS2027359913 23/08/2019 26/08/2025 03/12/2024 79.77
Triple Index Income Builder (USD) - August 2019
UBS AG XS2023181188 16/08/2019 18/08/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Semi-Annual Income Builder (GBP) - August 2019
UBS AG XS2019970545 09/08/2019 11/08/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Dual Index Defensive Income Kick Out Plan - July 2019
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS2006339977 26/07/2019 26/07/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT On Request
FTSE Defensive Income Kick Out Plan - July 2019
Morgan Stanley International PLC (MSIP) GB00BFCNH660 26/07/2019 26/07/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - June 2019 - Option 1
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS1980029844 28/06/2019 28/06/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - June 2019 - Option 2
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS1980028796 28/06/2019 28/06/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - June 2019 - Option 3
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS1980032715 28/06/2019 28/06/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Global Markets High Income Note with Memory Feature Version 2 (USD) - June 2019
UBS AG XS2019215206 28/06/2019 30/06/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT On Request
Investec Triple Index Income Builder (GBP) - June 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS2008929411 28/06/2019 30/06/2025 03/12/2024 76.38
Morgan Stanley Triple Index Income Builder (USD) - June 2019
Morgan Stanley International PLC (MSIP) XS1986851944 28/06/2019 30/06/2025 03/12/2024 79.06
Global markets High Income Note with Memory Feature Version 3 (USD) - June 2019
UBS AG XS2019215115 26/06/2019 26/06/2025 03/12/2024 63.24 On Request
Super Defensive Kick Out Plan - June 2019
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS1980013764 21/06/2019 23/06/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Global Markets High Income Note with Memory Feature (USD) - June 2019
UBS AG XS2012945098 14/06/2019 16/06/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Semi Annual Income Builder (EUR) - June 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1996440332 10/06/2019 10/06/2025 03/12/2024 89.58
Investec Semi Annual Income Builder (GBP) - June 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1996440258 10/06/2019 10/06/2025 03/12/2024 92.09
FTSE Defensive Income Kick Out Plan - May 2019
Morgan Stanley International PLC (MSIP) GB00BW6S3686 31/05/2019 31/05/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Builder (GBP) - May 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1987187348 31/05/2019 02/06/2025 29/11/2024 93.60
Investec Semi Annual Income Builder (USD) - May 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1993780318 31/05/2019 02/06/2025 03/12/2024 95.84
Investec Semi Annual Income Builder (GBP) - May 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1982708494 24/05/2019 26/05/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Builder (EUR) - May 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1982707926 17/05/2019 19/05/2025 03/12/2024 82.62
10 10 Plan - May 2019 - Option 1
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS1956922030 10/05/2019 10/05/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - May 2019 - Option 2
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS1956924838 10/05/2019 10/05/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - May 2019 - Option 3
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS1956927005 10/05/2019 10/05/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Morgan Stanley Triple Index Income Builder (GBP) - May 2019
Morgan Stanley International PLC (MSIP) XS1962499668 10/05/2019 12/05/2025 03/12/2024 80.18
Morgan Stanley Triple Index Income Builder (USD) - May 2019
Morgan Stanley International PLC (MSIP) XS1962499403 10/05/2019 12/05/2025 03/12/2024 80.02
5 Stock Bonus Deposit - April 2019
Goldman Sachs GS00SD000607 26/04/2019 26/04/2024 13/03/2019 MATURED On Request
5 Stock Bonus Deposit - April 2019
Goldman Sachs GS00SD000607GSSD428 26/04/2019 03/05/2024 13/03/2019 On Request
Triple Index Kick Out Plan - April 2019
Credit Suisse AG XS1955952756 26/04/2019 28/04/2025 03/12/2024 72.41 On Request
Natixis Global Index Income Generator 60 80 (USD) - April 2019
Natixis S.A. XS1881348582 23/04/2019 23/04/2025 03/12/2024 73.96
Dual Index Defensive Income Kick Out - April 2019
Morgan Stanley International PLC (MSIP) GB00BW6S2Z03 18/04/2019 18/04/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT On Request
Investec Global Index Income Builder 65 65 (GBP) - April 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1962585078 12/04/2019 14/04/2025 03/12/2024 68.19
Investec Global Index Income Builder 65 65 (USD) - April 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1962576085 12/04/2019 14/04/2025 03/12/2024 67.89
3 Stock Bonus Deposit - March 2019
Goldman Sachs GS00SD000565 29/03/2019 29/03/2024 13/03/2019 MATURED On Request
10 10 Plan - March 2019
Natixis S.A. XS1881345133 22/03/2019 22/03/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - March 2019 - Option 2
Natixis S.A. XS1881345307 22/03/2019 22/03/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - March 2019 - Option 3
Natixis S.A. XS1881345216 22/03/2019 22/03/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Commerzbank Global Index Income Generator 65 75 (EUR) - March 2019
Commerzbank AG XS1715825045 22/03/2019 26/03/2025 05/03/2021 84.92
Commerzbank Quad Index Income Builder (USD) - March 2019
Commerzbank AG XS1715824741 22/03/2019 24/03/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Commerzbank Triple Index Income Builder (GBP) - March 2019
Commerzbank AG XS1728685410 01/03/2019 03/03/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Commerzbank Triple Index Income Builder (USD) - March 2019
Commerzbank AG XS1728685501 01/03/2019 03/03/2025 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
EM Income Builder - March 2019
Commerzbank AG XS1715823776 01/03/2019 01/03/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
10 10 Plan - February 2019 - Option 1
Goldman Sachs XS1901812351 22/02/2019 22/02/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - February 2019 - Option 2
Goldman Sachs XS1901812435 22/02/2019 22/02/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - February 2019 - Option 3
Goldman Sachs XS1901812518 22/02/2019 22/02/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
FTSE Defensive Income Kick Out Plan - February 2019
Morgan Stanley International PLC (MSIP) GB00BZVR0P96 22/02/2019 22/02/2029 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Builder 55 70 (USD) - February 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1929494083 22/02/2019 24/02/2025 03/12/2024 94.59
Investec Global Index Income Builder 60 60 (GBP) - February 2019
Investec Bank Plc XS1929494240 22/02/2019 24/02/2025 03/12/2024 82.70
EM Income Builder (USD) - February 2019
Commerzbank AG XS1728688513 08/02/2019 08/02/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED On Request
Investec 3 year Global Index Income Builder 60 70 (USD) - December 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1921299316 28/12/2018 29/12/2021 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Builder 60 70 (USD) - December 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1912815864 28/12/2018 30/12/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Builder 70 70 (EUR) - December 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1919983590 28/12/2018 30/12/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Builder 70 70 (GBP) - December 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1912816169 28/12/2018 30/12/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Generator 60 60 (GBP) - December 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1912816599 28/12/2018 30/12/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - December 2018 - Option 1
Natixis S.A. XS1815482234 21/12/2018 21/12/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - December 2018 - Option 2
Natixis S.A. XS1815482317 21/12/2018 21/12/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - December 2018 - Option 3
Natixis S.A. XS1815482408 21/12/2018 21/12/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Commerzbank Triple Index Income Builder (USD) - December 2018
Commerzbank AG XS1728650893 21/12/2018 23/12/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Builder 50 60 (GBP) - December 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1919527074 21/12/2018 23/12/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Builder 60 65 (USD) - December 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1916444331 14/12/2018 16/12/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
3 Stock Bonus Deposit Plan - December 2018
RBC E72-SDIGX-07DEC23 07/12/2018 07/12/2023 01/12/2023 MATURED On Request
FTSE Defensive Income Kick Out Plan - December 2018
Morgan Stanley International PLC (MSIP) GB00BZVR0486 07/12/2018 07/12/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 Year FTSE Step Down Kick Out - November 2018
Natixis S.A. XS1815459844 23/11/2018 23/11/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Commerzbank Global Index Income Builder 70 70 (USD) - November 2018
Commerzbank AG XS1715814601 23/11/2018 25/11/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - November 2018 - Option 1
Morgan Stanley (MS B.V.) GB00BZVR0049 16/11/2018 16/11/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - November 2018 - Option 2
Morgan Stanley (MS B.V.) GB00BZVQZZ14 16/11/2018 16/11/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
FTSE Defensive Digital Deposit Plan - November 2018
RBC UKX-CP-18NOV24 16/11/2018 18/11/2024 08/11/2024 MATURED
Investec Global Index Income Builder 60 70 (USD) - November 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1892099679 16/11/2018 18/11/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
Investec Global Index Income Builder 70 70 (GBP) - November 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1892099596 16/11/2018 18/11/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
Investec Global Index Income Generator 60 60 (GBP) - November 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1892099323 16/11/2018 18/11/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
Dual Index Defensive Income Kick Out - November 2018
Morgan Stanley (MS B.V.) GB00BZVR0379 09/11/2018 09/11/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
FTSE Unconditional Income Plan - November 2018
Morgan Stanley International PLC (MSIP) GB00BZVR0932 09/11/2018 09/11/2028 03/12/2024 95.13 On Request
10 10 Plan - September 2018 - Option 1
Morgan Stanley (MS B.V.) GB00BZVQZQ23 28/09/2018 28/09/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - September 2018 - Option 2
Morgan Stanley (MS B.V.) GB00BZVQZR30 28/09/2018 28/09/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 Year FTSE Step Down Kick Out - September 2018
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS1853951033 28/09/2018 28/09/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
BRIC Memory Income Builder (USD) - September 2018
Credit Suisse AG XS1863185010 28/09/2018 30/09/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Dual Index Income Generator - September 2018
UBS AG XS1871094188 28/09/2018 30/09/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
Investec Global Index Income Builder 60 60 (GBP) - September 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1879197207 28/09/2018 30/09/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
Investec Global Index Income Builder 60 65 (USD) - September 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1868878833 28/09/2018 30/09/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
Investec Global Index Income Builder 60 70 (USD) - September 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1865244625 28/09/2018 30/09/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
Investec Global Index Income Builder 70 70 (GBP) - September 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1868878759 28/09/2018 30/09/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
FTSE Defensive Digital Deposit Plan - September 2018
RBC UKX-CP-16SEP24 14/09/2018 16/09/2024 12/09/2024 MATURED
BRC Memory Income Note - September 2018
UBS AG XS1875411073 07/09/2018 07/09/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Global Index Income Builder (GBP) - September 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1865244385 07/09/2018 09/09/2024 03/12/2024 MATURED
FTSE Defensive Income Kick Out Plan - August 2018
Citigroup (CGMFL Issuer) XS1837212676 31/08/2018 31/08/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
Investec Quad Index Memory Income Note (USD) - August 2018
Investec Bank Plc XS1864465346 31/08/2018 30/08/2024 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - August 2018 - Option 1
Natixis S.A. XS1763352389 17/08/2018 17/08/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT
10 10 Plan - August 2018 - Option 2
Natixis S.A. XS1763352462 17/08/2018 17/08/2028 03/12/2024 KICKED OUT



The following pages refer to Mariana investment products. It is important that you read and understand the risk statements below before you proceed.

Mariana’s investment products may provide both individual and institutional investors with flexible and innovative investment solutions offering varying levels of risk, asset exposure, capital protection and tax exposure.

It is important, however, that you understand the risks attached to your investments. The key risk factors are summarised below, but please remember that these are general risks and the risks that are relevant to individual products are set out in the brochure for that product.

Mariana does not provide investment advice in relation to investment products and we strongly recommend that you discuss any proposed investment with your financial adviser before you invest.

Investment in a Mariana product should form part only of your investment portfolio. You should also maintain savings you can access at short notice in case of emergency to meet any short term cash needs that may arise during the term of your investment.

Investment Risk – This is the risk arising from the market(s) or asset(s) into which your investment is made or to which the performance of your investment is linked. Their value might decrease, which could cause you to lose money or, if they increase, the amount of the increase may be greater than the return you get from your investment in a Mariana product.

Counterparty Risk – This is the risk that the financial institution by whom your investment is backed gets into financial difficulties and does not, or cannot, pay the amounts due in relation to your investment. This could cause you to lose some or all of your money and any investment returns that would have otherwise been payable.

Term Risk – This is the risk that an investor’s circumstances could change, forcing the early encashment of an investment. Such early encashment will be subject to a fee and the amount repaid is likely to be less than the initial capital invested. An investor should be aware that they may not be able to access the value of their investment immediately.

Inflation Risk – This is the risk that inflation may reduce the real value of your investment over time.

Tax Risk – The values of any tax reliefs generated by your investment will depend on your individual circumstances. You should note that the levels and bases of taxation and reliefs available may change in the future and changes may be applied retrospectively.

ISA Transfer Risk – if you wish to transfer an existing ISA, it must be done in cash. This means that your existing ISA manager will sell your investment and you are likely to be charged an exit fee. There is then the possibility of a loss of income or growth if markets should rise while your transfer is being processed.

Cancellation Risk – This is the risk that if you decide to cancel the investment after it has been purchased you are likely to lose some of your money.

It is important that you read all the related Mariana product literature carefully and in full so that you understand how the product works and can decide whether or not you are prepared to accept the risks and the possible consequences of investing in a particular product, before proceeding with your investment.

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